
I have Raspberry PI 3 B+ and Strompi 3 and battery hat and I have set it to use mode 4 (Wide -> Battery) and I can see that it takes power via wide and everything is running ok as long as I have microusb plugged in to strompi and power on it.
If I disconnect microusb I start to get xxx--StromPiPowerfail--xxx messages on the screen and my Pi will shutdown soon if I don't connect microusb again to strompi.
I can't understand why I need microUSB power when I'm running mode 4 which is just Wide and battery?


02.02.19 15:38

Good morning Whig,
could you execute the script (to download: right click, "save link as...") and post the results in this thread? Make sure that mUSB, Wide and BatteryHAT are connected, when executing the script.
Best regards
Nils (Joy-IT)


04.02.19 11:48