
Is the Pi Energy Mini compatible with the pins on the Rock Pi C+ for 5v+ power delivery to the board?

Can the Rock Pi C+ communicate with the Pi Energy Board?

//Thank you


21.01.25 15:31

Hello Johan,

As we have no experience with the Rock Pi, we are unfortunately unable to provide a definitive answer.
However, the pin assignment seems to be identical to the Raspberry Pi, and the power supply via the 5V pins also seems to be possible.

I therefore assume that the Pi Energy Mini will also work with the RockPi. 
However, I think that the communication script needs to be adapted for the Rock Pi. But this script is only necessary for shutting down the Pi via the power button on the Pi Energy Mini.

Please note that powering the Rock Pi via the 5V pins seems to results in the VBUS pins of the USB-C port being fed back with 5V.
This could result in damage to the connected USB C power supply unit.

Best regards 

Tim (Joy-IT)


21.01.25 16:07