
Hello , i am using strompi 3 with latest framework on raspberry 4 with two sources of alimentation :

1 : mUSB

2 : Strompi V3 battery HAT joy it

i followed the tutorial for the installation and configuration but there is still one thing i don't understand and can't impliment ; i am now able to swich to secondary source aka battery and shutoff raspberry after 60 seconds BUT it dosnt restart when the power is back on ..

what am i doing wrong ? what mode should i choose ? serial ou serialess ?

thank you in advance :)


25.08.20 18:57

Can you give the status information? In the minicom console, type "sspc" followed by "show-status".


25.08.20 19:55


StromPi-Output: mUSB

StromPi-Mode: mUSB -> Battery

Raspberry Pi Shutdown: Enabled
Shutdown-Timer: 60 seconds

Powerfail Warning: Enabled

Serial-Less Mode: Disabled

Power Save Mode: Disabled

Power-Off Mode: Disabled

Battery-Level Shutdown: Disabled

Powerfailure-Counter: 9

PowerOn-Button: Disabled
PowerOn-Button-Timer: 30 seconds

FirmwareVersion: v1.72

I enabled Raspi shutdown with a 60 seconds timer and chose musb ->battery mode

is there more configurations to set ? what am i doing wrong here ?

thank you for your help


26.08.20 11:39

Hello Imed Salhi,

I could not find any mistakes in your configuration.

If only your Raspberry Pi has been shut down, and your StromPi is still on when the primary power returns, your Raspberry Pi will not automatically restart. When testing, please make sure that both the mUSB LED and the Battery LED are off before you restore the primary power supply.
If this does not solve the problem, please flash the latest firmware on the StromPi again. You can find it in our download area together with a manual. You can also try to use one of our prepared images for the test.

Best regards

Tim (Joy-it)


27.08.20 14:05

If only your Raspberry Pi has been shut down, and your StromPi is still on when the primary power returns, your Raspberry Pi will not automatically restart.

i think that this problem is something that you should try to solve.

Can you update the software so that when StromPi shutdown timer expires, it will check, if primary power was returned.

If not, shut down StromPi, but if yes restart Raspberry.


26.09.20 12:15

Hello Tate

We have discussed your proposal but we have decided not to include this function.
If the StromPi is configured properly, the chance that the power supply returns exactly between both shutdowns is very small. The shutdown time in the script should be just enough to shut down the raspberry pi before the shutdown timer of the StromPi expires.
You could add a function to cover this time period, but this would also complicate the programming of the other functions and may disturb the serial communication.
Of course, you are free to add this function for yourself, since the source code of the firmware is published on GitHub.

Best regards

Tim (Joy-it)


30.09.20 15:46