
I have a Display that is supplied with 2A through the USB Port of the StromPi3. That works well with a 12V/5A power source. However, the display's backlight stays on after the raspberry pi was shutdown.
Is there a way to cut off the power to the USB connector after shutdown?


23.12.19 00:11

I figured out that I have to activate the 30s shutdown timer to disconnect the power after the shutdown of the raspberry pi. Is it also possible to combine that with the battery level shutdown? I want my pi to be active with the attached display as long as there is battery left after the primary power source gets unplugged.


23.12.19 14:16

Good Morning Matthias,
Yes, this is possible. Just choose a Powerpath Mode which includes the battery, choose shutdown mode "Disabled" and  set a Batterylevel for the battery shutdown mode. With these settings the StromPi switches to battery in case of primary powerfail. In case the battery level hits the selected battery level, the StromPi shuts the system down.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nils (Joy-IT)


30.12.19 11:05